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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Quick treatment for sunburn skin.

In the midst of this hot weather and bright sunlight Even if you wear long sleeves and apply sunscreen well. But there is still a chance of sunburn if the skin is expos to UV rays from the sun for a long time. Most sunburned

How to reduce cholesterol easily by yourself.

High cholesterol levels It is one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease such as heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and many other health problems. Therefore, it is important to learn about it. How to reduce cholesterol To help prevent health problems that may occur.

Interesting fact: Is drinking beer fat?

Beer is an alcoholic beverage made from grains such as wheat, rye, or barley. It is often ferment with yeast and hops to increase bitterness. Some brewers also add other ingredients to create unique flavors, such as fruits, herbs or spices, for example. Different brands

Eating too much vitamin C, consequences to be careful!!

Eating Vitamins and minerals (Micronutrients) are nutrients that are essential to the body in small quantities but cannot be miss. They are important for various systems in the body, such as nutrient absorption. cellular respiration and growth of the body Makes the body balanced and

Reishi mushroom,medicinal properties from China.

One of the Chinese herbs that is known as an excellent medicine is Reishi mushroom by the properties of the Lingzhi mushroom have been told for a long time that Helps nourish the body Boosts immunity, fights inflammation, fights cancer Therefore received the nickname “Elixir

Let’s exercise by dancing ZUMBA.

Zumba is a type of aerobic exercise that uses alternating slow and fast rhythmic dancing. Is based on salsa, flamenco, and meringue dances. which is a popular dance in Latin American countries Makes the dancer feel more fun than general exercise. Dancers do not need to have