In the midst of this hot weather and bright sunlight Even if you wear long sleeves and apply sunscreen well. But there is still a chance of sunburn if the skin is expos to UV rays from the sun for a long time. Most sunburned skin will have symptoms of redness, peeling, and a burning sensation. By relieving sunburn and restoring the skin from damage. This can be done by using skin care products that contain ingredients that help soothe the skin and help reduce inflammation, such as aloe vera, chamomile, and vitamin E, relieving sunburn skin. By restoring moisture and soothing the skin at the same time.

Sunburn usually occurs 2-6 hours after exposure to the sun. Sunburned people will experience a burning sensation on their skin and their skin will turn red. Then, สมัคร ufabet, for another day, the pain and skin irritation will be even worse. and the skin will have new cell turnover.
There are many symptoms of sunburn:
- Red Skin: Sunburned skin often turns red. This indicates inflammation and increased blood flow.
- It hurts to touch: Sunburned skin is often sensitive to the touch (sensitive skin), causing pain when touched.
- Swelling: Skin inflamed from a sunburn may swell.
- Blisters: Severe sunburns may develop blisters. This means that deeper areas of the skin are damag.
- Itchy: Sunburned skin can be itchy. Because it is part of the wound healing process
- Peeling skin: After a few days, sunburned skin may begin to peel, becoming flaky, which is the shedding of the damaged outer layer of skin.
- Feels dry and tight: Skin in sunburned areas may feel dry and tight. Due to the loss of natural moisture
- Headache and fever: in severe cases Symptoms in other systems may also be found, such as headache and fever.
How to cure sunburn: Quick treatment for sunburned skin
- Use a cool cloth to compress the skin. (Never use ice.) Cold water can help relieve inflammation caused by a long-term sunburn. But the ice is so cold that the skin may be damag and the damage will be worse.
- Apply a concentrated moisturizing cream. Or apply aloe vera gel to soothe the skin. Aloe vera has the effect of helping to relieve mild sunburned skin. Can inhibit bacteria, heal the skin, and help shed new skin cells. It also helps keep the skin moisturized without the risk of allergic reactions. But you must choose aloe vera gel that does not contain dyes and does not smell of perfume.
- Drink enough water and avoid caffeine and alcohol. Water is an important component of the body. Compensating for water loss helps restore the moisture your skin needs. It is recommend to temporarily abstain from beverages containing caffeine and alcohol. Because these drinks cause the body to lose water.
- Do not pick or pick at blisters. Just clean the wound with saline. and patiently wait for the wound to break naturally
The resulting blisters act like a plaster, helping to protect the lower layer of skin from irritation. This is why you should not pick or scratch the wound. - Avoid sunlight and medicines. that may cause skin irritation Sunburned skin is more sensitive to light and can be easily irritat. During this period, you should avoid sunlight as much as possible. But if you need to go outside It is recommend to wear clothing that provides complete protection from the sun. and after exposure to the sun Be sure to saturate your skin with aloe vera or a moisturizer to reduce irritation.
- Compress your skin with chamomile tea for relaxation and relief. Chamomile tea not only has relaxing properties. But it can also help relieve sunburned skin. Soak the tea powder in hot water and leave it to cool. Then use a clean cloth soaked in tea to compress the burned area. People who are allergic to pollen should avoid this method. Due to the risk of allergic reactions on the skin
- Apply moisturizing skin care products to prevent peeling. After showering, use products for sensitive skin on sunburned areas. Skin creams will help retain moisture. Reduce irritation and helps restore sunburned skin to heal faster.